Monday, December 3, 2007

Chapter 14 Critical Thinking

1)What factors might account for the fact that the vast majority of atolls occur in the INdian and Pacific oceans and that atolls are rare in the Atlantic?
-Atolls are strongly influenced by these winds called the trade winds blow from latitudes of about 30 degrees toward the equator. And there are more warm surface currents in the Indian and Pacific Ocean than in the Atlantic Ocean.

3)There are only a few reefs off the northeast coast of Brazil, even though it lies in the tropics. How would you explain this?
- It is common for reef building corals also because rivers bring in a lot of silty sediment, which is generally unfavorable to corals.

2) Scientist predict that the ocean will get warmer and the sea level will rise as a result of an intensified greenhouse effect. How might this affect coral reefs?
- Because of global warming the earth is getting warmer. This change will affect the already stressed ecosystems such as mangrove forests and estuaries will be flooded; coral reefs may not grow fast enough to keep up with the rising sea levels.

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